Flash 3x17 : The musical crossover with Supergirl was one of most anicpated episode of the cw-verse ovbiously the okay-ish 3-night crossover event. Well, the episode turnt out be great !! For people who havent watched it yet , SPOILER WARNING Watch it !! It turned out very well .... Obviously, the story is little over-the-top predicted. With the Music Miester being the epiosode's main villian , one can easily anticipate the sequence of events . For those who think Supergirl is very cheesy and very feminist , it actually got better and continues to do so . So , thumbs up and go watch it .. If you dont want to , never mind .. This week's episode of Supergirl saw Supergirl finding out Mon-El as the freaking prince of Daxam and calling quits for their cheesy relationship . Towards the end of the episode, the DEO receives a new prisoner. Surprise Surprise !! It's the Music Miester !! He puts Kara under his spell and goes to E-1 with the help of Cisco's d...
It's mid-season already and everyone is eagerly waiting on how Team Flash gets rid of this season's nemesis Savitar ..OR NOT After watching its season 2 finale, I couldn't contain my excitement about even the thought of the showrunners doing the spectacular FLASHPOINT on TV But I turnt out to be honestly very disappointed with the show . Chowder's question left me puzzled ..!! And I dedicate this post to Chowder and all Flash fans !! Here goes nothing !!! Everything that is wrong with Flash Season 3 ... 1. FLASHPOINT Flashpoint is one of most beautifully written comic series of the DC's infamous character Flash . (http://68.media.tumblr.com/44ffdeaf04c186632bac990d1d2efab8/tumblr_oek20dp1XW1t735z7o1_250.gif) And honestly the TV show ruined it for me and other fans who have read the series . (https://68.media.tumblr.com/85500fb842daeb6bb98c8952cd2c4bad/tumblr_inline_ojcgsc9Zs01tddqh0_500.gif) I kn...