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Flash 3x17 : Musical Crossover with Supergirl !!!
Flash 3x17 : The musical crossover with Supergirl was one of most anicpated episode of the cw-verse ovbiously the okay-ish 3-night crossover event.
Well, the episode turnt out be great !!

For people who havent watched it yet , SPOILER WARNING
Watch it !!
It turned out very well ....

Obviously, the story is little over-the-top predicted.
With the Music Miester being the epiosode's main villian , one can easily anticipate the sequence of events .
For those who think Supergirl is very cheesy and very feminist , it actually got better and continues to do so .
So , thumbs up and go watch it ..
If you dont want to , never mind ..

This week's episode of Supergirl saw Supergirl finding out Mon-El as the freaking prince of Daxam and calling quits for their cheesy relationship .
Towards the end of the episode, the DEO receives a new prisoner.
Surprise Surprise !!
It's the Music Miester !!
He puts Kara under his spell and goes to E-1 with the help of Cisco's device(which he lent out to Kara during the 3-night crossover)

This week's episode of Flash saw Barry mouring his break-up with Iris and binge-watching musical (which he enjoyed with his mother)
Team  Supergirl (Mon-El , John and obv unconsious Kara ) come to E-1 to help out Barry and save Kara from her state.
Barry being the hero he is , finds himself in the same state of Kara's and gets trapped in a musical and the only way to return home (reality ) is to finish the script ..
P.S. If they die in the musical AU, they die in the real world .

Barry and Kara "suit up" (obv they dont have their powers in the AU) by following the script:
convicing Iris & Mon El (kids of rival gangsters) ,who happen to be in love , to come clear with their parents .However,things turn ugly and Kara & Barry end up getting shot ..
And it happends that only true love can save them ...(eyerolls at the cheeseness)

Cisco vibes Mon El & Iris to the AU and they kiss and recover the superheroes
Geez !! It feels like 'The Sleeping Beauty'
And it turns out that the Music Meister goal was just to spread love !!
Cheeseness overloaded !!

Musical :
Moon River (feat. Melissa Benoist) - Just beautiful !!
Put A Little Love In Your Heart (feat. Darren Criss, Jeremy Jordan, John Barrowman & Carlos Valdes) - A little CW-verse and a GLEE reunion
 More I Cannot Wish You (feat. Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber & John Barrowman)- Oustanding although not many will love it
Super Friends (feat. Grant Gustin & Melissa Benoist) –A very catchy number
Running Home To You (feat. Grant Gustin)- I'm dying !!(*fangirls over Grant*) God ! If he were to propose me like that , I would be like "YES !! A MILLIONS TIMES YES"
(Spoiler: He proposes to Iris AGAIN & she says YES AGAIN !!!)

What I think would have made this musical Pitch-Perfect :
1. For the love of God , please give us a scene with Cisco & Winn.
2. More screentime for Caitlin . This episode hardly just saw a glimpse of her .
3. Where's Julian ??
4.Make Wally sing ..
5. Add H.R. to the list
6. Where on the mutliverse is Savitar ??

P.S. This episode is a overdose of cuteness
Especially between Barry and Kara


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